McDonnell's Gift of Glove for Obama

Say you're going to greet the president of the free world after he touches down at your local airport.  You obviously want to meet him with a firm handshake and perhaps give him a token of your appreciation that represents your home state.

When Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell was given that opportunity Friday as President Barack Obama arrived for a tour of a Rolls-Royce plant in Prince George, Va., his gift of choice was ... drum roll please ... a golf glove printed with the slogan, "Virginia is for Lovers."

What does the gift represent? We're not sure of the exact meaning, but we could make a few guesses -- including a possible jab at Obama's penchant for hitting the links on a regular basis.

Possible political jabs aside, it seems like the gift was well received.

"He was very impressed that we knew he wore a left-handed glove," McDonnell told White House pool correspondent Michael Scherer. "I told him we had done our opposition research."

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