Mayor Gray Raising Funds for Citizens Summit

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray is trying to raise $300,000 in private funds to pay for a citywide “citizens summit” to allow residents to tell him what they think the government should be doing.

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray is trying to raise $300,000 in private funds to pay for a citywide citizens summit next month that will allow residents to tell him what they think the government should be doing.

The mayor said he'll use government money for the day-long summit Feb. 11 at the Convention Center if his private fundraising falls short.

The mayor can legally raise private money through his government office, and he promised to report to the public quickly any amounts he raises.

Gray took a year to disclose how he raised and spent $1 million private dollars for his inaugural festivities -- a report released just last week to skeptical reporters.

Gray said he won't hesitate to raise private money again for his citizen's summit.

In a separate money matter, the mayor remains under federal criminal investigation over how his 2010 campaign for mayor raised and spent large amounts of campaign cash.

In addition to the citizens summit, the mayor just announced another big public gathering: His office now says he'll deliver a state-of-the-District address on Feb. 7.    

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