Donald Trump

See How Your Neighborhood Voted in 2016

The map shows how President Donald Trump won the upper Midwest

An election expert at Decision Desk HQ spent a year putting together what the group says is the most detailed map available of the 2016 election: A national precinct-level map that is so granular a graphic at this scale was never produced for the 2012 election, according to Decision Desk HQ contributor Ryne Rohla in a post presenting his work.

The hard work paid off in the map, which shows how President Donald Trump won the upper Midwest and carved out votes into the South up to the "Black Belt." An interactive version can also be used to zoom-in and see how your neighborhood voted.

Earlier this year, politics reporter Alex Seitz-Wald wrote in Left in the Lurch that Democrats "got more votes across the country, but in the wrong places."

He continued: "America's electoral system rewards the party whose voters are more spread out across the map and, for now, that means the GOP."


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