Kanye Not Dead, Still Asinine

Kanye West is, thankfully, not dead.

The loudmouth rapper who most recently made headlines by interrupting Taylor Swift at the VMAs has been the subject of an online death rumor.

But he ain't. So that's awesome. So now he has time to one-up himself by, like, dressing in whale penis leather. Because he'd do that.

The rumors began after West pulled down the short film "We Were Once a Fairytale" from his blog on Tuesday. West posted the video the day before. He offered fans the explanation, "Sorry I had to take it down :(."

Since then, "RIP Kanye West" has risen to top trend status on Twitter.

Fans reacted to a gruesome series of scenes in "Fairytale," which caused West's girlfriend Amber Rose shoot down rumors that West died in a car crash.

"This 'RIP KanyeWest' topic is not funny and its NOT TRUE!," Rose tweeted. "He has people like myself and his family that love him very much."

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