Fallon Puppies Predict Super Bowl Winner

"Late Night" host has puppies predict Broncos Super Bowl win

Sorry to spoil it for you, but the Denver Broncos will win Super Bowl XLVIIl.

Well, that's according to seven puppies on "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon."

Fallon, in his latest "Puppy Predictors" segment, unleashed the doggies on two bowls of food, one branded with the Broncos logo and the other the Seahawks'. Fallon, ever the concerned officiator, warned the rambunctious canines before Thursday's race that he wanted the competition to remain fair.

"I want a clean vote here," Fallon told the seven Golden Retrievers. "No random wandering, peeing or butt sniffing."

Once the gate was lowered only two puppies managed to get to the Broncos' bowl and claim a hard-fought victory.

Don't think the puppies' powers of prediction are palatable? Last year, Fallon's furry friends predicted the Ravens Super Bowl win and the Oscar for best picture for "Argo."

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