Clinton Tweets, Live-Texts Supporters During CNBC's GOP Debate

Nearly every Republican presidential candidate on stage during the third GOP debate on Wednesday took a jab at Hillary Clinton, calling her a liar, pessimist and hypocrite.

"Let me tell you," Mike Huckabee said during the debate on CNBC, "Donald Trump would be a better president every day of the week and twice on Sunday rather than Hillary.

Marco Rubio said Clinton had been exposed as "a liar" during last week's hearing on the Benghazi attack.

Clinton fired back, taking to Twitter and live-texting her thoughts to supporters.

"For a surgeon, Ben Carson has a pretty poor diagnosis," she wrote in one text message. "Seems to me: 10 candidates. 0 ideas," she wrote in another.

"Over here getting texts from my girl Hillary. She's LOLing about this debate," wrote one Twitter user, who was then retweeted by Clinton's account.

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