United States

Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown on Health Bill Backers: ‘Their Name Is Going to Be Mud'

The interview with the governor will air Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press"

As Congress wrestles over the House Republican health care bill, California Gov. Jerry Brown attacked the legislation, alleging that any lawmaker who supports the legislation will find "their name is going to be mud," NBC News reported

"This bill is not health care reform, or repeal and replace — it's death, disease and suffering," said Brown, a Democrat, in an exclusive interview airing this Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press."

"It's a terrible thing. Now, yeah, it'll cost money, billions of dollars which we wouldn't have. Around the country, we're talking hundreds of billions. So it's a disaster. If it does happen to get out of the House, I would imagine the Senate is going to take a very hard look at it because anybody with their name on this bill. In most districts in America, their name is going to be mud. No question about it."

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