Your Official Obama Photo is Ready to Order

Obamamania continues...

You've got the official Obama HOPE poster.  You've got the official "I survived the Purple Tunnel of Doom" inauguration T-shirt.

But do you have the official Obama photograph that will be placed in thousands of federal buildings across the country?

Of course not. But if you're not already Obamabiliaed out, here's your chance.

The U.S. Government Printing Office is printing more than 130,000 copies of the official photographs of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.  You can purchase one of each online by clicking here.

They come in three sizes (8 x 10, 11 x 14 and 20 x 24) and prices start at $9.

This was the first time The White House took the president's official photograph digitally.  And for you concerned environmental buffs, the photograph is printed on paper containing recycled content and fiber from a sustainably managed forest.  It's not easy being green, you know...

While you're on the GPO Web site, you can also pick up copies of that page-turner "2001 Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board Manual" for $8.  Doesn't do it for you?  Perhaps you can learn a few things from the "Get on the Grain Train" guide to good eating for $6, or the "Safety Officer Pocket Guide: Malheur National Forest, March 1998 Edition" for only $1.60.  Sold!   

And for those looking ahead, make sure you pick up the "Information for Retirees and their Families" guide for just 80 cents!  What a deal! 

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