Washington D.C. Wants New Hilton Headquarters… was originally published on Housing Complex on Jan. 28, 2009, at 12:10 pm
NoMa’s next big tenant, perhaps?
On Jan. 21, Hilton Hotels Corp. announced that it was moving its headquarters from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. At first, the company seemed to be scoping out locations—for 100,000 to 130,000 square feet of space—in suburban Maryland and Virginia. But today, the Washington Business Journal reported that the District’s also offering up incentives: “They said that they wanted to come to the region and we said we’d certainly hope that they’d consider the District just like Maryland and Virginia,” said Sean Madigan, spokesperson for the Washington’s Office of Planning and Economic Development…“We told them that we would do everything we can to get them to come to the city,” he said. D.C. faces a $129 million budget gap for the current fiscal year, according to a December estimate from its chief financial officer, which could limit the incentives it can offer.”