Virginia Mom Uses Halloween Costumes as Lesson to Kids

A mother from Vienna, Virginia, is using the spirit of Halloween to teach her five kids about being different.

Julie Mudrick has been wearing different costumes in October to pick up her kids from the bus stop. She started doing it four years ago to show her shy son that it is OK to be different and stand out.

Every day, Mudrick comes up with a different theme. Students love it, and the Mudrick family is also in on the fun.

Mudrick posts photos of her and her family's costumes on her Instagram site, busstopcostumes.

Mudrick has inspired at least other moms to do it in Illinois, California, Virginia, Utah, Texas, New Jersey and Arizona. Many are using the hashtag #busstopcostumesunited.

On Oct. 31, Halloween, some moms are planning to dress up like skeletons and do a short dance to "Thriller" when the bus pulls up.

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