Virginia DMV Ends Toll-Free Service

Change will sve $500,000

The next time you need to find out how to fight that speeding ticket or where to get your car inspected, it could cost you.

The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles has dropped its toll-free customer service phone number to save money. The DMV said the toll-free number 1-866-368-5463 has been replaced with 1-804-497-7100, starting Friday. That means customers may now incur long-distance charges when they dial the new phone number.

DMV officials said the move will save the state about $500,000 every year.
DMV's Direct Call Center receives 5,000 to 6,000 calls every day, according to a news release from the agency.   
Calls to the toll-free number cost the state three cents per minute.


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Two of the DMV's toll-free phone numbers will not be replaced. The department will maintain a toll-free TTY number for deaf and hard-of-hearing customers. That number is 1-800-272-9268. A toll-free automated transaction service will also remain. That number is 1-888-337-4782.
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