Donald Trump

Trump Leads in Va. Poll, But Nearly 2/3 of Voters Have Unfavorable View

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a solid lead two weeks ahead of Super Tuesday in Virginia, but nearly two-thirds of voters have an unfavorable view of the outspoken candidate, a new poll reveals. 

According to the poll from the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University, 28 percent of voters say they would vote for Trump, with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz trailing not too far behind. But 64 percent of those polled say they have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“Almost all the voters have an opinion about Donald Trump, and twice as many see him in an unfavorable light as view him favorably,” said Dr. Quentin Kidd, director of the Wason Center. 

On the Democratic side, 52 percent of voters said they would vote for HIllary Clinton, despite Bernie Sander having a higher favorability rating. 

“Virginia Democrats continue to be hesitant on Clinton,” said Kidd. “However, she maintains a solid lead over Sanders in the primary, with only a small percentage of undecided voters left.”

Super Tuesday contests will be held on March 1 in several states, including Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas.

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