Trouble Underground: Prognosticators at Odds

Groundhogs disagree

Without a shadow of a doubt, there's a conflict over when spring will get here.

Mountain Maryland Murray, a groundhog that resides in Cumberland, Md., saw his shadow this morning at sunrise. According to legend, that means six more weeks of winter.

But up in Pennsylvania, Murray's more famous counterpart, Punxsutawney Phil, did not see his shadow today, predicting an early spring.

Unless the coming weeks bring southern storms that skip the north, both animals can't be right. Considering the winter it's been so far, most folks are likely hoping Phil's got it nailed.

But don't hold your breath.

Phil has predicted an early spring just 14 percent of the time, but he's only been right 39 percent of the time. Tossing a coin would have been a better predictor.

So here's the tie-breaker: Upshur County, W.Va.'s French Creek Freddie is also predicting an early end to winter.

Sorry, Murray.

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