Adopt-a-Potty; Keep Public Parks Clean

Bathroom battle brewing in Montgomery County

Some Montgomery County residents are making a stink over a unique budget cut they say really stinks. Literally.

They’re angry the county wants to pull the plug of porta potties in public parks. The acting Montgomery County parks director said that removing 80 of the portable toilets will save the county $155,000.

Some park goers, though, said the bathrooms are necessary to prevent people from using the woods when Mother Nature calls.

“We pay big taxes to live here,” Montgomery County resident Fiona Morrissey said. “We have the right to have a little porta potty if it’s going to prevent people from defecating in the woods. It’s not right.”

There may be a solution on the horizon. The county is considering a porta potty sponsorship plan – kind of like the Adopt-a-Highway program. For $165 every three months, you might be able to sponsor a porta potty.

You could even get a personalized sign. Imagine the possibilities!

(Better yet, imagine your sign and share it in the comments section below. But keep it keep clean, please. We washed our hands before returning to work.)

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