The following stories have been hand-selected by the Assignment Desk at News4:
Apology, Explanation for Inaugural Turnaways
Imagine securing a ticket to the swearing-in ceremony of President Barack Obama, traveling to the nation's capital -- braving the crowds, traffic and weather to witness history -- and being turned away at a security checkpoint. About 5,000 people don't have to imagine that scenario. Ticket holders complained Tuesday that despite arriving hours early, they weren't able to get onto the National Mall. "There was not enough space to get everyone in," Senate Sergeant-At-Arms Terry Gainer tells WTOP. "I think what happens is ... a lot more tickets are given out then they anticipate people coming, and everyone showed up." (WTOP)
Inauguration Cleanup Underway
On the day after America’s biggest yard party, it was all about the monumental cleanup. The city’s trash trucks have already hauled away 90 tons of inaugural garbage with at least 40 more tons left to go, said Mafara Hobson, spokeswoman for D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D). “People left behind a lot of trash. A lot of it was the vendors along the parade route, too,” Hobson said. “They left behind Obama hats, Obama bags, Obama socks.” (Washington Post)
Bond Set for Nine Teens in Beating
Bond was set at $2,500 apiece yesterday for the nine high school students charged in connection with the brutal beatings of two other teens earlier this month. Six adults and three juveniles are charged with two counts of malicious wounding by mob following the Jan. 11 incident at a field next to Stoneybrooke subdivision off State Route 208. The two victims, ages 18 and 19, ended up in the hospital after the pummeling, which was recorded on a cell phone video. Police have obtained those recordings. (Free Lance-Star)
Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia local news, events and information
Divers Find Missing Jet Engine in Hudson River