The Great Annapolis Soda Theft of '09

Up to this point in life, you may have been toiling along, content with middling beverages, blissfully unaware that Annapolis' own Naval Bagels holds claim to the best soft drinks, well, basically anywhere.

Oh yes, it's true.

"But that's impossible," you claim. "They get the same soda shipments as any other business. How could theirs somehow hold a mystical allure that others simply do not?"

Well, I don't have the answer for that. But I do know that over the weekend an unidentified person broke into its storage shed and made off with 20 cases of the magical Naval Bagels ambrosia soda. Because it's too good not to have, through legal means or no.

See? If someone's stealing massive quantities of soda, and nothing else, it must really be that good. QED.

Or it could just be really, really hot out.

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