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Anthony and Michelle Hinton paced the ER as they waited for an update from the doctor on call. Although nights in the hospital were becoming a regular occurrence, the Hinton family dreaded every second. No one likes having their child in the hospital, especially for breathing difficulties. The main culprit behind their child's frequent asthma attacks was a faulty HVAC unit and filthy ducts. While it would seem that the problem would be easily remedied with a simple replacement unit and duct cleaning, for some families it's just not that simple. 

Anthony Hinton had proudly served his country for many years in the U.S. Military. Before entering the service, Anthony was an outgoing young man who loved the outdoors, family gatherings and live sporting events. However, upon returning from his second tour overseas, something had changed inside him. Anthony began having panic attacks when in wide open spaces or enclosed areas. As time went on, his conditioned worsened and soon he was not able to work. Around the same time, his wife Michelle was diagnosed with severe arthritis and fibromyalgia. With two serious conditions attacking her joints and muscles, Michelle began losing her ability to work full time and before long found herself laid off and unable to work. 

As the family’s health problems mounted, so did their bills. Soon, they were only able to meet their most basic obligations and things like home repairs were put on the back burner. As their son began to experience more frequent and prolonged asthma attacks, the family took him to see a specialist where they learned poor indoor air quality was triggering the episodes. With that news, the family knew they could not wait any longer and reached out to the Michael & Son Cares Program. 

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