
Neighbors in DC Could Soon Issue Parking Tickets

A new pilot program would allow up to 10 people per ward to use an app to issue a citation

Some D.C. residents may soon be receiving parking tickets from their neighbors.

A pilot program, called the Citizen Safety Enforcement Pilot Program, would allow up to 10 people per ward to dole out citations after receiving some training.

If more than 10 people per ward apply for the position, participants in the program would be chosen by lottery.

The people selected would use an app that allows them to take a picture of an infraction, post it and then issue a citation.

Anyone issued a citation could dispute it.

The new program is part of councilmember Charles Allen's omnibus "Vision Zero" bill, which expands and amends Washington's efforts traffic laws to prevent pedestrian deaths. Seven other councilmembers have also signed onto the bill.

The bill aims to address the lack of progress being made to protect pedestrians and cyclists in the city. Two recent traffic fatalities have spurred legislation to expand bike lanes in April.

The city has a goal to have zero annual pedestrian deaths by 2024. The total number of traffic fatalities has gone up each year since 2016, however. So far, the city has seen eight deaths in 2019.

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