Some D.C. Police Expecting Raise Instead See Pay Cut

Some Washington, D.C. police officers who expected to see a raise in this week’s check — after a wait and arbitration that lasted seven years — were stunned instead to find their pay mistakenly cut by as much as $800 per year, News4 has learned.

The issue seems to have primarily affected officers with more than 20 years of service. As many as 700 officers may be affected.

“Today the Union was made aware of a potential glitch with the pay of some members as it relates the District's application of the pay raise awarded in the recent interest arbitration,” read a notice sent to union members from Delroy Burton, chairman of the D.C. Fraternal Order of Police.

“This resulted in some members base pay being reduced instead of increasing. … The Department is working to correct this discrepancy," the notice read.

The District's chief financial officer told News4 that payroll systems still are being updated, and that payroll officials are in contact with both the Metropolitan Police and the union as the updates continue.

The officers were expecting a 4 percent pay raise, after a long arbitration process that ended in February when an arbitrator said the raise should happen, but should not be retroactive.

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