Shoe Fetish Burglar May Have Dumped Stolen Loot in Md. Creek

Shoes, boots and sneakers were stuffed in garbage bags

Delaware police are trying to determine if hundreds of shoes thrown into an Elkton, Md., creek is the work of a burglar with a fetish for men’s shoes.

A man walking near Big Elk Creek in Elkton discovered the shoes on Sunday morning.

Hundreds of work boots, shoes and sneakers were stuffed in large garbage bags and tossed into the creek, according to investigators.

In December, a burglar broke into several Newark, Del., homes, stealing only male shoes and photos of men, according to police.

No pictures, however, were found in the creek.

Rebecca Flanagan’s house was broken into around the same time. She said the burglar only stole her photos with men in them while she and her roommate were on winter break.

“I am really surprised, this is great,” Flanagan said after hearing about the odd discovery. “I’d be really curious to see if they were the same shoes that were stolen.”

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