Prank Sickens Driver, Gets High School Students in Trouble

Foul smelling spray released on school bus

What seemed like a humorous prank to some high school students sickened a school bus driver and got the students in hot water.

Two students who released a foul-smelling spray on their school bus face suspension or expulsion for it, according to a letter from Middletown High School Principal Jay Berno, the Frederick News-Post reported.

The students released gas from a canister labeled "fart spray" Thursday afternoon on a bus carrying 36 students. The odor forced the driver to pull off the road, get out of the bus and vomit. She reported watery eyes, nausea and an irritated throat.

The canister warns not to spray near a person's face and to release sparingly in a well-ventilated room.

All students were taken to Frederick Memorial Hospital and six were examined.

The case has been referred to the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services.

State's Attorney Charlie Smith is not commenting because of the confidential nature of juvenile cases.

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