Save Your Crops! Stink Bugs Are Heading Outdoors

Stink bugs head into the heat to feast on crops

If you spotted a stink bug outside in the warm weather today, that's normal, experts say.

“The exodus is under way. They are now beginning to migrate out of people’s homes and back into the environment,” said University of Maryland Professor of Entomology Michael Raupp.

The insects like the warmer weather, which means these unusually high temperatures are getting them out early. And though they can be a nuisance to humans, our nations’ crops are the biggest victims.

“When I see stink bugs in my house, I am going to treat them with extreme prejudice because they are going to move outdoors and begin to feed on vegetables, fruits, trees and shrubs,” Raupp said.

The bugs are now in 33 states, and in 2010, they caused more than $37 million damage to apple and fruit crops.

“Unless we can get a handle on this thing, this will probably be one of the worst pests we’ve ever seen in America,” Raupp said.

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