United States

Ride-Share Companies Increasing DC Traffic, Study Says

With ride-share companies dominating the District, a new study says they could be making the largest cities in the United States more congested.

A new study titled โ€œThe New Automobility: Lyft, Uber and the Future of American Citiesโ€ says that ride-share companies have added 5.7 billion miles of driving to the nine largest cities in the U.S., including Washington, D.C.

Sean Sands, a commuter, said that shared-vehicle companies are causing a "clog factor" on the roads.

โ€œAn Uber will just stop anywhere, let people out, block traffic up,โ€ he said.

Sixty percent of those who use Uber and Lyft said that they wouldn't have driven if ride-sharing wasn't available, instead using public transportation, riding a bike, or walking, according to the study published by Schaller Consulting. Some said they wouldn't have taken the trip at all. 

Gabe Klein, former head of the DC Department of Transportation, said the ride-share companies have their ups and downs.

โ€œI have no doubt that thereโ€™s some good and some bad in the over-reliance on Uber and Lyft,โ€ he said. โ€œBut, I will say that I know people that are giving up their cars because of Uber and Lyft. Itโ€™s almost like an insurance policy if they need to get somewhere, so thatโ€™s very positive.โ€

Others told News4 they aren't worried about the ride-share congestion issue, with many believing itโ€™s up to cities to make the roads more accommodating to changing traffic patterns.

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