Reptiles Banished From Ocean City Boardwalk

Iguana Man can no longer bring pet out to play

If you've ever been asked to "touch someone's Iguana" in Ocean City, then you've proably met the man known as "Iguana Man."

The reptile-wielding individual is also reportedly the catalyst for a new law that does not allow anything with scales to roam public streets, the beach, the boardwalk, alleys and sidewalks, according to the Associated Press.

Ocean City Council members made the change after a councilwoman became concerned about Iguana Man's generosity in allowing people to pet ... his pet.

The same council granted the Iguana Man (less commonly known as Joseph Short) a reptile permit in 2007.

Frogs and lizards are not left out of the scale-discrimination. The new rule prohibits resort shops from selling either frogs or lizards if they are bigger than four inches.

The Ocean City Council can't be made up of complete reptile-haters, though. There is one exception to the law. It is OK to take your reptile to the veterinarian.

Just don't ask anyone to pet it on the way.

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