Protesters to Occupy Metro During Rush Hour

Occupy DC occupying the evening commute

A day after protesters' occupation of the Key Bridge stayed on the sidewalk and didn't cause significant additional rush hour delays, Occupy DC could disrupt the evening commute for Metro riders.

Occupy DC and other protesters plan to take Metrorail from their tent city station -- McPherson Square -- to an undisclosed station at 5:15 p.m. Friday. Depending on how many protesters participate, trains and stations could become overcrowded.

Protesters do not intend to delay commuters, according to Occupy K Street's Twitter. "We will block no doors, escalators, elevators, exits/entrances, etc. We will not cause delays."

McPherson Square services the Orange and Blue lines, but Occupy DC has not offered details of its route or whether it includes changing trains, so all riders should beware.

During the demonstration, protesters will spread their message of why they occupy by reading submissions to Occupy the Board Room, which accepts stories of people's hardship during the recession.

We want to bring these stories to the DC public, to inform them of the effects of cowboy capitalism.

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