Cherry Blossoms

Photographer Captures Newlyweds Under Cherry Blossoms, Turns to Internet to Find Them

NBC Universal, Inc. A photographer capturing the splendor of the cherry blossoms also captured a beautiful photo of newlyweds. The only problem was that he had no idea who they were. News4’s Darcy Spencer reports.

After a photographer captured beautiful photos of an anonymous couple under the cherry blossoms, he turned to the internet for help finding them. And the public delivered. 

Jeffrey Boodman was at the Tidal Basin to capture photos of the blossoms in bloom earlier this month when he saw a bridal couple embrace. 

He snapped beautiful photos of the couple, framed by a canopy of blossoms reflecting in the water. 

“Then I wandered off just going through my pictures, seeing what I had, and a few minutes passed. And then when I looked back, because I thought, 'Oh, I might as well just share this with them;' unfortunately they had moved on and I couldn't find them,” Boodman said. 

He decided to use social media to find the couple, so he could share the photos he’d taken of them on their special day. 

His posts were shared on Instagram and Facebook thousands of times with hundreds of comments, as people gushed over the gorgeous photos and expressed hope that the couple would be found. 

“This is such a unique type of shoot they were doing that maybe there was a chance I'd be able to find them through Instagram, and the D.C. photography community is really good and close knit,” Boodman said. 

And it worked. Within a day, Boodman heard from the couple’s wedding photographer and was making arrangements to get the photos to them. 

"It's nice shooting people and being able to share it with them," he said. "It's an added element, so it's certainly rewarding to be able to give them something I hope they like."

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