Loudoun County Public Schools

Organization Critical of Loudoun Schools Apologizes for Controversial Retweet

Ian Prior of Fight for Schools

Ian Prior of Fight for Schools

An organization that’s been highly critical of Loudoun County Public Schools is coming under fire itself.

Fight for Schools has been working to try to recall several school board members.

Now, the group’s founder, Ian Prior, is apologizing for a retweet on the Fight for Schools account that seemed to advocate the rape of a school nurse working in Connecticut.

A rival Loudoun parents’ group, Loudoun 4 All, spotlighted the retweet and is calling on Prior to resign from his leadership position.

In a Twitter response, Prior wrote, “Last night a completely inappropriate tweet was amplified by this account. That was unacceptable, we take responsibility, and we have made an immediate change to the management of this account.”

In a statement to News4, Prior said Fight for schools fired the company handling its social media account. 

Complete statement from Prior:

"The retweet the other night was completely beyond the pale. The company that was handling our social media apologized for carelessly retweet without reading beyond the headline, but it was reckless, unacceptable, and goes against everything we stand for. 

"That is why we deleted the tweet, took responsibility, and terminated the relationship as soon as I became aware of it.

"As it relates to Loudoun for All and their ‘demands’ – their focus and existence seems to solely be about opposing Fight for Schools and its efforts. If that organization really is about solutions and honest dialogue, we challenge them to an open forum to debate the issues that we have been highlighting for over a year."

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