
Metro Details Precautions for Coronavirus

NBC Universal, Inc.

Metro activated its pandemic task force as a precaution for the coronavirus outbreak, however, it is only on level one out of four.

This entails making sure Metro has enough resources like disinfectant to clean the system if a serious outbreak occurs. Metro said it's in talks with local health departments as well.

Metro Chief Safety Officer Theresa Impastato said so far the risk of transmission of the virus is very low but asked that passengers do their part to prevent any potential spread.

โ€œNow look, the bottom line is Metro could disinfect things like these handrails all day long, but then a sick person could come along and touch it and get it dirty,โ€ Impastato said. โ€œReally the ultimate responsibility lies with you, the rider, to practice good personal hygiene.โ€

Impastato recommended frequent hand-washing, using hand sanitizer and good hygiene as the most effective tool to fight the disease. She added that face masks currently are not needed.

At the moment, Metro passengers donโ€™t seem to be too concerned about the potential of a coronavirus outbreak.

โ€œRight now it looks like we are okay,โ€ Michelle Hamilton-Gunn, a Metro rider, said. โ€œI fear the flu maybe more than I fear the coronavirus.โ€

Passenger Jill Johnson said she plans to use hand sanitizer and wash her hands as normal to prevent getting any illness.

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