Marine Touting Phony War Stories Gets Real Consequences

Marines say there was no Afghanistan heroics

In a wartime climate, veneration for veterans can be overpowering, sometimes unquestionably so. However, there are those who see emotions and pride running together so deeply, they see chances for deception and material gain.

Such is the case with Marine Sgt. David W. Budwah, who in July 2008 visited Camp West Mar, an American Legion compound in rural Maryland, and explained to three dozen young boys how during his second tour of duty in Afghanistan he sustained wounds to his face and arm when he was shielding a friend from the blast of a homemade grenade.

The Marines, however, would like to point out some inconsistencies in his story. For one, Budwah was stationed in a radio communications unit from the point when he joined the Corps in 1999 until 2005. Since then, he has been stateside at Quantico. Meaning no Afghanistan. Meaning no diving on the grenade to save his buddy. Meaning dire consequences for Budwah

But the Marines say Budwah is a liar, a fraud and a thief. They are court-martialing the 34-year-old Springhill, La., native, alleging he was never in Afghanistan, wasn't wounded and didn't earn the combat medals he wore -- or the many privileges he enjoyed.

Prosecutors say Budwah wore unauthorized medals and accepted VIP invitations to rock concerts, major-league baseball games, banquets and other events meant to fete wounded warriors.

He faked post-traumatic stress disorder in hopes of leaving service early and was sent to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, where he bluffed his way into 33 events from late July through November 2008, according to charges obtained by The Associated Press through an appeal of its Freedom of Information Act request.

There are thousands of reports of falsified claims of war heroism each year, however Budwah's case is unique because he is an active-duty Marine. Of the almost 3,100 courts-martial last year, only two involved Marines wearing illegal decorations.

So at least that will give Budwah a rare story to tell.

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