Would-Be Burglar Shot by Shop Owner, Crashes Car in Getaway Attempt

Business owners in Prince George’s County are speaking out after police say a would-be burglar wound up shot by the same person he tried to rob.

A Prince George's County man was shot in the chest after a failed attempt to rob an automotive shop. 

Around 11 p.m. Tuesday, police say 50-year-old Derrick Ned forced his way into Lloyd's Automotive shop in Beltsville using a broken street sign to break open the door. After getting through the front door, the suspect then kicked open an office door, only to find the shop's owner inside.

A startled Mr. Lloyd confronted the would-be thief and ultimately shot him in the chest, police said. 

Ned managed to escape to his getaway vehicle, but eventually crashed into a street sign, bringing his failed heist to an end. He was hospitalized following the crash in critical condition, though he is expected to live.

Bobby Waters, a customer and friend of Lloyd says that it's not unusual for the store owner to work such long hours at the shop. 

"He works late hours... You know, to satisfy his customers' needs," he said. "I never, ever see him not working."

Charges against Ned are pending while detectives investigate whether he is linked to other burglaries in the area. 

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