Local Leads: 7/21/11

News you need to know

The following stories have been hand-selected by the Assignment Desk at News4:

Insidenova.com: "Mosquitoes collected from the north Woodbridge and Lake Ridge area on July 8 have tested positive for West Nile Virus, Prince William County officials said Wednesday. The mosquitoes are the first to test positive in the county this year. Officials from the Prince William Mosquito Control Program regularly test mosquitoes 'to determine periods of greater risk of contracting West Nile Virus,' county officials said in a press release." 

Baltimore Sun: "It's difficult to imagine an animal less likely to draw admiring crowds at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. A homely giant salamander that hides under rocks, slimes its enemies when threatened, and goes by such aliases as snot otter, devil dog and Allegheny alligator, the hellbender is nevertheless seen as an important and valuable addition to the zoo's collection." 

Loudoun Times: "One of Loudoun’s long-standing bridges, the Goose Creek Bridge, now faces certain destruction after the county Board of Supervisors voted 8-1 on July 19 to destroy it. 'This bridge needs to be demolished,' Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio (R-Sterling) said. There wasn’t much of an argument, with Sally Kurtz (D-Catoctin) the lone supervisor to vote in favor of a restoration project that would cost approximately $1.3 million more than demolishing it. Destroying the bridge carries a $195,000 price tag."

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