Local Leads: 6/28/11

News you need to know

The following stories have been hand-selected by the Assignment Desk at News4:

Baltimore Sun: "Crabs are plentiful so far this year in Maryland, but that doesn't mean there'll be enough to go around on Independence Day weekend, when nearly every patriotic Marylander, it seems, dreams of feasting on the state's official crustacean. Nor will they be cheap -- with the price for a bushel of big Jimmies, or male crabs, topping $200 in some places." 

Fredericksburg.com: "Vincent D. Cat made sure the camera captured only his good side as he sprawled on his stomach on the white backdrop in a photo studio. Vincent is no ordinary cat. After he was hit by a car about 11 years ago, his right hind leg had to be amputated. He was taken to Rikki's Refuge, an animal sanctuary in Orange County where he resides today as spokescat for the other animals there. Vincent is also about to become a celebrity cat." 

Insidenova.com: " A burglar decided to do more than steal while in a Manassas home last week, police said. Manassas police Sgt. Eddie Rivera said someone stole a Thinkpad laptop, valued at over $1,500, from a home in the 9300 block of Fairview Avenue, located near the Seton School, sometime between 6 p.m. on Thursday and 9 a.m. on Friday. But the evidence police found in the bathroom led them to believe that the thief was looking for more than electronics."

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