Local Leads: 5/26/10

News you need to know

The following stories have been hand-selected by the Assignment Desk at News4:

The Stafford County School Board approved a policy last night that allows the division to furlough employees for up to five days a year. School Board members have said they don't intend to furlough employees in 2010-11.  They approved the policy because budget problems are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Furloughs require employees to take days off without pay. The first draft of the policy presented on May 11 stated that employees could be furloughed up to 10 days a year. (Fredericksburg.com)

He went by "Nighthawk" on the radio. He once talked a confessed killer into surrendering while on the air. He disappeared not long after leaving D.C.'s WHUR in the 1970s to form his own production company.  Nighthawk's real name was Bobby Joe Horn. Police have said they received tips that Horn -- 41 when he disappeared in August 1977 -- was killed and his body parts scattered across North Carolina, where police found his burned out car. A business partner told the Washington Post in 1983 that he believed Horn had moved to the Netherlands, where he ran a business and sported a beard. (Examiner) 
For 10 years, Darian Unger has volunteered as a firefighter and emergency medical technician — work that he would have continued if not for a new fee Montgomery County plans to charge for some ambulance rides. Unger, 36, who lives and volunteers in Silver Spring, wrote to his fire chief at the Silver Spring Volunteer Fire Department on Sunday saying he intended to resign if the county begins to charge a newly approved ambulance fee. (Gazette)

The re-opening of Prince William Ice Center in Dale City could be just months away. Built in 1996, the ice center collapsed under the weight of heavy snow just before a national speedskating competition in February. The incident left no one hurt but created a mountain of insurance paperwork for owners Bill and Pat Hutzler to sift through before they could start the rebuilding process. (Insidenova.com)

You may have noticed sales tags on dresses becoming more prominent and wondered why.  Blame "wardrobing."  It's the illegal practice of buying an item, wearing it to an event and then returning it.  It's become more common during prom and wedding season, experts say. (wtop.com)

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