Local Leads: 2/23/10

News you need to know

The following stories have been hand-selected by the Assignment Desk at News4:

An Oregon man wanted for the murders of his mother and her boyfriend was captured Monday in Dumfries, bringing a nationwide search for him, his wife and young daughter to a close.Police cornered Gabriel Morris, 33, on Curtis Drive in a silver Ford Taurus just after 12:15 p.m.  Two-and-a-half hours earlier, Prince William County police had received a tip that Morris and his family were staying at a home in the 13900 block of Dominion Drive, in the Prince William Estates neighborhood. (Insidenova.com)

The traffic light debacle in Montgomery County that added hours to residents' commutes in November wasn't just a royal headache for drivers but a threat to national security.  That's according to county officials who are seeking federal funding to replace the aging computer system that caused the meltdown.  The county is asking Maryland's congressional delegation for $26.3 million in federal funding, including money from the Department of Homeland Security, to help speed the county's efforts at replacing a 30-year-old computer system. (Washington Examiner

Machines -- known as "pothole killers" -- start filling Northern Virginia's potholes Wednesday.  "We will get those potholes filled as fast as we can. Now, it is going to be a monumental task this winter," says Virginia Department of Transportation spokeswoman Joan Morris. (wtop.com)

A new study identifying the wealthiest areas in America ranks Arlington in the top 10 of large urban areas. The study by Portfolio.com and Bizjournals ranks Arlington No. 4 out of 420 U.S. urban centers. Arlington has a per capita income of $59,098, a share of 16.4 percent of all households earning $200,000 or more, and a median home value of $587,900. (Washington Business Journal)

Today  is National Pancake Day, and to be perfectly honest, I don't much care. Not that I have anything against pancakes. It's the obscure commemorative days I can do without. But I've decided National Pancake Day is worth a mention for this reason: Participating IHOPs are serving free short stacks of buttermilk pancakes all day Tuesday, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. That's right. You pay nothing. Nada. Zip.  (Baltimore Sun)

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