Loving Porn & Free Speech

University of Maryland students argue against new pornography policy

COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- Dozens of University of Maryland students gathered at a forum on free speech Tuesday evening. The Terps say they are about to be censored and want to stop it.

The forum comes as state leaders have charged all 11 state-funded colleges and universities to adopt a policy governing acceptable use of pornographic movies on campuses, requiring an educational component for screenings. Each school has until Dec. 1 to submit their proposals for the new policy.

The University of Maryland garnered international controversy when students decided to show parts of the adult film "Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge." One state senator threatened to pull funding for the university if it were shown. Students finally did screen the film, but also included an academic discussion afterwards.

Students Tuesday argued the new policy would hinder a number of events for student organizations and also limit expression. They say they can understand why some would feel that pornographic films may be inappropriate, but that groups should be able to decide what is shown or not shown.

The student government along with other student groups will take what students voiced Tuesday to the next Board of Regents meeting on Oct. 23.

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