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It’s only June and the D.C. Metro area is already experiencing its first heat wave, a grim indicator of what lies ahead for us. Summers in our area incorporate all the elements of uncomfortable weather; humidity, high temperatures and poor air quality make some days almost unbearable. For most people, that means spending more times indoors with the A/C running and driving up energy cost. So, what can you do to keep both your home’s temperature and energy bills down? An attic fan from Michael & Son Services is a great place to start.

As we all know, heat rises and cold air tends to stay towards the surface. In a home, heat will rise to the highest point, which is the attic. With no ventilation and nowhere to go, it will collect and linger. Even a moderate 80 degree summer day can drive the temperature in your attic to upwards of 150 degrees. Having the equivalent of a giant oven on top of a home makes the A/C unit run continuously and ineffectively. An attic fan operating on a hot day can reduce the temperature in your attic by 50 degrees. With a cooler attic, you can bring the temperature down in living areas by 10 degrees.

Here’s the run down on the benefits of an attic fan:

Attic fans make living areas cool and enjoyable. Homes with attic fans can be up to 10 degrees cooler than homes without attic fans. This makes a big difference, especially since bedrooms are usually located directly beneath the attic.

Roof Life
An attic without a fan will collect moisture in the insulation which eventually becomes wood-rotting mold. It does not need to be summer time for moisture to collect in your attic; activities that produce heat like showering and cooking can also cause moisture to collect in the attic. An attic fan prevents moisture from forming and prolongs the life of the home’s roof.

Energy Cost
As stated earlier, attic fans can reduce the temperatures in the home by 10 degrees. That translates to a nearly 30 percent reduction in the average homes energy cost.

Types of Attic Fans
There are a number of different types of attic fans with a wide range of prices and features. Each home has different needs and depending on the size, ventilation and insulation, will require a different type of fan. No matter what you choose, make sure the fan is equipped with an automatic shut off in the event of a fire. Attic fans can literally fan the flames of a home fire when not equipped with a temperature-activated shut off.

Which attic fan is right for you? Call Michael & Son to schedule an appointment with one of our trained and friendly technicians today. Michael & Son Services offers electrical services of all kinds—from residential services to large construction contracts, there is no job to big or small. Be sure to check in with us for more great household tips every week. Also, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube page and find out about special offers, upcoming events and much more!

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