Gay Awareness Fliers in Montgomery County

Fliers tell students "it's okay to be gay"

A recent blanket of gay awareness fliers distributed at Montgomery County schools has the Board of Education thinking of banning the practice of flier distribution, beginning as soon as next year.

Students in Montgomery County may have seen one of the 50,000 fliers the Washington, D.C., chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) have distributed across the county’s 25 high schools.

The group aimed to counter information in fliers sent in February by Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX), which claimed homosexuality isn’t a permanent trait and can be “fixed”.

The PFLAG sent fliers out this week telling students it’s ok to be gay and listied resources for students to use.

The policy currently in place allows nonprofits to distribute fliers at four designated times throughout the school year. The school system has very little say over what fliers are sent and are considering recommending changes to the policy.

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