
Former DC United Player Collin Martin Comes Out as Gay

A former D.C. United player is embracing Major League Soccer's "Soccer for All Month" by being true to himself.

Minnesota United midfielder Collin Martin, who played for D.C. from 2013 to 2016, came out as gay in a personal letter via Twitter on Friday.

Martin said that he had already been out to his family and friends for many years and thanked his teammates for their support.

"Today, I'm proud that my entire team and the management of Minnesota United know that I am gay," he said in the letter. "I have received only kindness and acceptance from everyone in Major League Soccer and that has made the decision to come out publicly that much easier."

His Minnesota United teammate Eric Miller expressed support on Twitter.

"Proud of this guy who is an incredible person and amazing teammate," Miller posted. "Takes so much courage to be one of the first to come out, but everyone @MNUFC is fully supporting you."

Martin encouraged other professional athletes to have confidence that their sport will accept them if they were to come out.

His announcement took came the day of Minnesota United's "Pride Night," when players wear jerseys with rainbow numbers in support of the LGBT community.

"June is Pride month, and I am proud to be playing for Pride, and to be playing as an out gay man," he said.

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