Foggy Bottom Association to Hold “Rat Summit”

On Saturday in DC’s Ward 2 there will be a rat summit for people to learn what to do, and not to do, to help control the city’s rodent problem.

As D.C.'s urban population grows, so does its pest problem.

A "Rat Summit" in Ward 2 is being held Saturday, to give D.C. residents pointers on what they should and shouldn't do to keep the vermin away. Outdoor grills with flecks of food or grease are vital food sources for rats. 

Marina Streznewski, president of the Foggy Bottom Association, says even well-intentioned bird seed and bread crumb tossing draws in rats.

D.C. Council member Jim Graham is proposing legislation requiring food-oriented businesses have "written" rat control plans before they can get licenses. 

"Rats need three things. They need food, water and shelter. We give that to them, so we have to change human behavior," the city's chief rat control officer Gerard Brown said.

Many other Wards have held "rat summits" in recent months.

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