The following content is created in partnership with Kaiser Permanente. It does not reflect the work or opinions of NBC Washington's editorial staff. Click here to learn more about Kaiser Permanente.
As a small business owner, your workers trust you with their jobs and with providing all-important health care coverage for them and their families. But since you don't have the support of a huge HR department or the buying power of a larger company, how can you be sure you’re offering the quality health care they deserve? Drawing on industry-leading insights from Kaiser Permanente, here are the top three factors to look for when comparing plans
Choice of Providers
A good plan will have a network that includes local physicians, skilled specialists and top-notch facilities where members can access everything from preventive care to chronic condition management. With Kaiser Permanente, members have the flexibility to select or change providers at any time. They can consult with doctors in person or use state-of-the-art telehealth capabilities to connect at their convenience by phone, video or email—with no copay for most plans.
Strong Clinical Care
When employees get the care they need, when and where it works for them, they tend to be more proactive about their health and more engaged at work and at home because they don't have to take time away for a trip to the doctor. "Having happy, healthy employees helps my business thrive," says Brandon Rushing, owner of a Northern Virginia-based small business called B. Rushing Lawn and Landscaping, Inc.
Both his family and his employees have benefitted from outstanding, team-based clinical care since enrolling in Kaiser Permanente plans five years ago. Rushing, the parent of a child with a chronic health condition, is especially appreciative of his plan's unique combination of care and coverage. "I really like their integration of primary care, specialists and pharmacy all in one location," he says. And thanks to Kaiser Permanente's team-based approach and electronic record keeping, he continues, his daughter's specialists can "work collaboratively and instantly share her medical records."
Member Satisfaction
If your employees are anxious about unpaid claims or worried about coverage, they probably won't perform at their best. But having a plan that gives them clear, responsive communication and a wide choice of care providers can actually help improve their physical and emotional well-being and deepen their engagement in their work. For Rushing, Kaiser Permanente's record-setting member satisfaction ratings are yet another indication that he's made the right choice for his team, his business and his family.
Kaiser Permanente is the nation's leading not-for-profit health plan. Click here to see how offering employees the right plan can help you manage costs, boost productivity and attract and retain top talent.