Father of Man Held in Aruba Describes Son's Phone Call

The father of the man held in the disappearance of Robyn Gardner in Aruba said conditions for his son in prison were "miserable."

Frank Giordano told the Today Show his son, held for a month now, described to him the difficult conditions over a weekend phone call.  Giordano said his son's treatment at the hands of Aruban police was "their version of waterboarding."

According to his father, Gary Giordano complained on the call that jailers gave him no mattress for the first few days of his incarceration, and he was forced to sleep on the concrete floor.

The elder Giordano told Today Show:

"He said the temperature there at night time in the cell was over 100 degrees, so he wasn't getting much sleep.  And then, in addition to that, they had a parked police car right outside his cell in the grounds and they blew the horn like every hour, and that kept him awake.  So he was pretty exhausted whenever they interrogated him.  So, you know, it appeared to me as though they were trying to wear him down."

Aruban authorities told the Today Show that Giordano had been given a mattress and was now being held in a cell with three other inmates.

A judge in Aruba just ruled that authorities could continue to hold Gary Giordano, even though he has not been charged with a crime yet.

Gary Giordano's lawyer will petition tomorrow in court to overturn the ruling.

His father said his tone was irritated but not remorseful during the call.

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