Easy Steps To Cell Phone Bill Savings

You don't have to pay more for your cell phone bill than necessary

Cell phones aren't just cell phones anymore. They're cameras, navigation systems, game players and internet browsers.  And all those features can add up on your bill.

If you want to cut down on your costs, that's the first tip -- if you don't use it, lose it. Or you can switch to a prepaid plan to save money. Prepaid plans work best for light users.

Tip No. 2, get rid of your phone insurance if your phone is more than three to six months old, especially if it's a model that cost under $50. You don't want to pay more for your insurance than your phone is worth. Consider getting insurance for the first few months, when your phone is at its premium and then cancel it. You can save $5 to $7 a month. 

Tip No. 3, beware of the family plan. In a family plan  you have several phones on one bill and one pool of minutes. When you're sharing minutes with family members, you're likely to reach your limit sooner than you want. Plus, there are hidden termination fees on a family plan you probably never expected.

Tip No. 4, compare your calling plan online. There are several free Web sites like billshrink.com that will compare your usage and needs line by line after you upload your bill. The site will determine if there's another plan or carrier that can save you money.

Tip No. 5, call your cell phone company. Ask to switch to a plan that better suits your usage. For example, if you have a lot of extra charges for going over your minutes, switch to a higher base plan which will cost you more initially but will cut down your bills in the long run.

And if you like the service you have, you can always call your company's customer loyalty department and ask for a reduction.

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