Earthquake Safety Tips

In case you haven't heard our weather team give safety tips on air, it's important to know how to stay safe in case anything like this happens again. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has tips for the best ways to stay safe:

It says that if you are indoors, drop, cover and hold. That is, drop to the ground, cover yourself with a sturdy table or other piece of furniture and hold on until the shaking stops.

Stay away from glass, windows or anything that could fall such as light fixtures. If you're in bed, stay there unless there's a fixture that could potentially fall on you. In that case, move to the nearest safe place, such as under a desk.

Do NOT attempt to go outside. FEMA said most injuries occur when people try leave buildings during a quake.

If you're outside when a quake hits, move away from any buildings, street lights and wires. Stay in an open place until the shaking stops.

If you're in a car or other vehicle, stop as soon as it's safe and stay in the vehicle. However, don't stop near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, etc. Once the quake has stopped, drive cautiously to your destination.

For more information, go to FEMA's website.

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