D.C. Jail Inmates Cast Votes

Misdemeanor Offenders Cast Their Vote for Mayor

About 1,500 jail inmates will make a difference in D.C.'s mayoral race.

The group of inmates cast their ballots today with the help of a host of organizations, including the D.C. Board of Elections, D.C. Jail, the Ward 8 Voter assurance campaign and the Reentry Network for Returning citizens.

The voting took place at the D.C. Detention Center in Southeast.

Several community representatives spoke out in support of the inmates, including Ward 8 ANC Commissioner Sandra Seegars.

"I think this is a part of showing respect to humans period, regardless of their background or whatever they've done in life," Seegars said. "It's a matter of respect, giving them citizenship and encouraging them to be a part of society."

The Reentry Network for Returning citizens had a big part in educating the inmates on their right to vote. The organization helps released inmates make a successful transition into society.

Under city law, those jailed for misdemeanors have the right to vote, along with those awaiting trial.

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