Flooding Across Region Sunday

Chuck Bell’s forecast for April 17, 2011.

Coastal and river flood warnings remain in effect for D.C. and the surrounding suburban counties Sunday morning.

The region continues to deal with the aftermath of Saturday's severe weather.

The heavy rains pushed water up high around the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. on Saturday.  At Hains Point, water ran up 25 feet higher than the original shoreline.

Old Town Alexandria saw some of the worst flooding in the region, with streets flooded on Saturday night, leaving behind silt and muck.

Creeks, streams, and rivers will continue to swell throughout the day on Sunday, some cresting in later afternoon.  Gusting winds will reach 50 mph, which could bring down trees in the soft, rain-saturated ground.

Three people died and sixty people were injured in Gloucester County, where a tornado touched down Saturday night.  The violent storms left a path of destruction across 6 states, and has been blamed for at least 47 deaths.

For a map of current severe weather alerts by county, click here.

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