DC AG Investigating Management of Casa Ruby Shelter

NBC Universal, Inc. D.C.’s attorney general announced an investigation into Casa Ruby, a nonprofit that provided housing, food and social services to the LGBTQ community.

D.C.'s attorney general announced an investigation into Casa Ruby, a nonprofit that provided housing, food and social services to the LGBTQ community.

Investigators are looking at how the center was managed, its oversight of programs and finances, and alleged improper use of District grants and charitable donations.

“There were millions of dollars both in government grants by the District and by members of the public,” said Kate Konopka, deputy attorney general of public advocacy. “We have no access or oversight over those funds or over the accounts that houses them, and so therefore, it was important for the attorney general that a receiver is appointed over the organization to attempt to right the ship.”

Casa Ruby’s director, Ruby Corado, disputes the accusations. She told Telemundo 44 and News4 she has never taken money that was not authorized to do work in the community.

“Any money that was withdrawn was for work that was authorized, work that is still being done in the community today, and that was authorized by the board, this team of people, because I never did this work alone,” Corado said.

She says she has receipts for the money she spent and she says the District owes her center almost $600,000.

Corado was notified in September by the D.C. Department of Human Services that she would not be receiving her annual grant of $839,000 that helps fund the shelter.

D.C. Director of Human Services Laura Zeilinger said then that she admires Corado and her advocacy, and while she didn’t go into specifics, she indicated there were problems with the services Casa Ruby was given money to provide.

La fundadora de Casa Ruby está siendo investigada por supuestamente tomar dinero de la organización para beneficio propio y por eso la oficina del fiscal general está pidiendo que se congelen las cuentas del centro.
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