Cornel West Arrested at Supreme Court

Civil rights leader in cuffs after "Occupy Supreme Court" rally

Update -

William Miller, spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney's office, said West and the other 18 protesters will not be prosecuted.  Miller said all of those arrested on the Supreme Court's steps would be released Monday afternoon.

Civil rights activist and Princeton professor Cornel West was arrested and removed by police from the steps of the Supreme Court on Sunday.

He was one of 19 people arrested at a protest called "Occupy Supreme Court" -- an anti-war, anti-corporate greed demonstration. West joined the protest after leaving the dedication for the new Martin Luther King Memorial.

Police arrested the group for protesting with signs, prohibited on the steps of the Supreme Court.

The Department of Justice said Monday the demonstrators will not be charged and will be relased Monday afternoon.

The group "No Cure For That" posted video on YouTube of West at the demonstration.

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