Copper Thefts on the Rise in Montgomery County

Police Say Thieves are Getting Bold

Several people in Montgomery County are coming home only to find pieces of their homes missing.

Police said copper is drawing out new thieves.

Since this past November, more than two dozen homes in the Potomac area have been victimized.

Copper gutters and down spots were pulled off at night and later traded in at scrap yards for cash.

Thomas Schelling said his neighbor’s home was among those hit and believes those responsible think they can get off easy.

“It may have occurred to them that it’s an easy thing to do and nobody is expecting it and if you know how to do it quietly, maybe you can get away with it especially if you come around after they’ve all gone to bed,” he said.

Police said in more than one case witnesses saw a gold, beige or brown pickup truck taking off from the scene.

High copper prices may mean thieves will strike again.

Copper settled at its highest price in more than four months Tuesday at almost $3.83 per pound.

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