Cold Temps May Extend Blossom Bloom

Good news and bad news for cherry blossom fans: The chilly temperatures we're experiencing this week will make walking around the Tidal Basin a bit uncomfortable, but the cold weather will actually extend the overall bloom time of the trees.

Chief horticulturalist Robert DeFeo said that cold weather causes the blossoms to open slowly. Barring strong winds, the cherry blossoms could stick around for 14 to 18 days.

The peak bloom period, when 70 percent of the blossoms are out, begins today and ends Friday.

Rain is in the forecast for Wednesday and Thursday, so today may be one of the best time to see the trees.

Got great shots of the blossoms?  E-mail your cherry blossom pics to, or share them in our Flickr group.

Check out more blossom coverage in our special section.

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