The Best Foods to Eat

It's what's good for you

Your mother always told you to eat your vegetables. But did she tell you which ones?

Before you reach for that yummy broccoli or spinach again, try some other leafy greens that pack a powerful nutritional punch -- Swiss chard, bok choy, collard greens, kale and mustard greens. They've got a lot of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Nutritionist Alana Sugar talked with NBC4 and told us that these greens offer healthier options for a healthier you.

Another vegetable that you’re bound to overlook -- acorn and butternut squash. They both have fiber and carotenoids like beta carotene. They're hearty and they've got plenty of potassium.

Nuts are a fun food to eat (especially with a beer at a baseball game) but Sugar says to put down those peanuts and pistachios and reach for walnuts instead. Walnuts have omega 3’s and omega 6’s, those essential fatty acids that other nuts have, but in smaller quantities.

Grass-fed beef is also on her list of foods you should eat. That's beef from cattle raised on their natural diet. She says when compared to regular beef, it's heart healthier, better for your immune system, can prevent certain cancers, and help keep you lean. She also says it tastes better, is leaner and has higher amounts of omega 3 fats and is a good source of protein and iron.

And here's a food you may have never even heard of -- cultured vegetables. Those are vegetables pickled naturally. They are full of beneficial probiotics. They give your body bacteria -- implant them into your intestines and keep your bad bacteria in check and keep your digestive system moving.

If you keep reaching for all these must eat foods, you'll develop a delicious habit that will keep you healthy and strong.

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